
Showing posts from March, 2021

March 22: World Water Day

  Today is World Water Day. Did you know that only one-hundredth of one percent of Earth's water is available for human use? That boggles my mind. It reminds me to be mindful of water and not waste it!!!! Here are a few more interesting facts about water. *Water covers 70.9 percent of the planet’s surface. *97 percent of the water on Earth is found in the ocean; 2.5 percent is unavailable fresh water (trapped in glaciers, underground, etc); and 0.5 percent is available freshwater. *There is more water in the atmosphere than in all of our rivers combined. *If all of the water vapor in our planet’s atmosphere fell as water at once and spread out evenly, it would only cover the globe with about an inch of water. *More than one-quarter of all bottled water comes from a municipal water supply – the same place that tap water comes from.  *On average, an American resident uses about 100 gallons of water per day. Find more facts about water, and references to the a...

Recipe for leftover spaghetti noodles

 Recently, I made spaghetti for my neighbors. We have been spending time together during the COVID isolation, since we are all very careful and know each other well. I overestimated the amount of noodles and had quite a bit left over. So I did some Googling, and have created an easy frittata recipe, which is vegetarian, but you can add meat if you choose. About 1/2 pound, cooked, chopped spaghetti noodles (enough to cover the bottom of a quiche dish) 3 eggs 1/2 c grated Parmesan cheese 2 TBS EVOO 2 TBS butter 1 c chopped broccoli 1 c chopped or sliced mushrooms 1/2 c chopped onions Salt and pepper to taste Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Using half the butter and EVOO, saute the onions and mushrooms. I steamed the broccoli in the microwave, about 2 minutes on high. Mix together the noodles, eggs, cheese, and salt & pepper. Add the sauted & steamed veggies. Place a quiche dish over an eye on med-low with remaining butter and oil until butter melts. Add pasta mixture, flatteni...