March 22: World Water Day


Today is World Water Day. Did you know that only one-hundredth of one percent of Earth's water is available for human use? That boggles my mind. It reminds me to be mindful of water and not waste it!!!!

Here are a few more interesting facts about water.

*Water covers 70.9 percent of the planet’s surface.

*97 percent of the water on Earth is found in the ocean; 2.5 percent is unavailable fresh water (trapped in glaciers, underground, etc); and 0.5 percent is available freshwater.

*There is more water in the atmosphere than in all of our rivers combined.

*If all of the water vapor in our planet’s atmosphere fell as water at once and spread out evenly, it would only cover the globe with about an inch of water.

*More than one-quarter of all bottled water comes from a municipal water supply – the same place that tap water comes from.

 *On average, an American resident uses about 100 gallons of water per day.

Find more facts about water, and references to the above, at the following link:


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